Michigan Premises Liability Lawyer: Legal Help For A Slip And Fall Accident
What Is Your Slip and Fall Case Worth?
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When you have suffered a serious injury from a slip and fall from the negligence or carelessness of a property owner in Michigan, such as at a store or commercial business or on another’s property, a premises liability lawyer can help you to hold the property owner responsible and recover fair compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, and economic damages you’ve incurred.
Time is of the essence in hiring your attorney because most of the critical legal discovery – such as preserving key evidence, taking photos and video of the scene, and getting statements from witnesses – needs to be done as soon as possible after your fall injury.
Working with a Michigan premises liability lawyer early on in your case can make the difference in your ability to recover compensation and the money damages you’re legally entitled to.
What is a premises liability attorney?
A Michigan premises liability lawyer will help you recover pain and suffering compensation and economic damages from negligent property owners and others who created a hazard or dangerous condition that caused you to suffer a slip and fall or trip and fall injury. This type of attorney is normally a personal injury attorney who has specialized experience and expertise in handling premises liability cases.

What does this type of attorney do?
A Michigan premises liability lawyer will do the following for slip and fall victims, like you: (1) preserve key evidence; (2) get statements from witnesses; (3) document the scene of your fall; (4) identify the negligent parties as well as their insurance coverage and assets; and (5) prove your case.
Here are more details about how a Michigan property liability attorney works to get the best outcome possible for the slip and fall victims he or she represents:
- Preventing property owners from destroying the evidence that proves their negligence by serving them with “preservation” letters.
- Using surveillance footage, photos, videos, diagrams, and incident reports to show how the accident scene looked right at the moment that the hazard or dangerous condition caused your fall.
- Sending subpoenas and discovery requests to the property owners for incident reports and maintenance which show how the hazard or dangerous condition came about and how long the property owner knew about it before your fall.
- Taking depositions of everyone – including the property owner, manager, and employees – who knew or should have known about the hazard or danger and finding out why they did not act to protect the unsuspecting public.
- Showing that property owners and managers knew about the existence of the hazard or dangerous condition prior to your fall.
- Demonstrating that the hazard or dangerous condition that caused your slip and fall injury was neither open nor obvious to the average person.

Do I need a premises liability lawyer in Michigan?
If you are injured in a slip and fall accident on another person’s property in Michigan you are not required to hire a premises liability lawyer but it is in your best interest. An experienced attorney can hold the negligent parties legally responsible for injuries caused and get you the compensation you deserve.
These are complicated and complex cases and the stakes are high for you and your family in terms of recovering the compensation and money damages you deserve, and preventing the property owners and managers from escaping being held properly accountable by claiming ignorance of the dangerous conditions on their property or by blaming you for your fall and resulting injuries.

How to choose the best premises liability lawyer in Michigan?
The qualities that you should look for when choosing a Michigan premises liability lawyer to help you and your family include: specialized experience in handling slip and fall and trip and fall cases; a track record of successful trial verdicts and settlements; and respect, compassion and care for their clients.
One of the most important factors that affect not only the size of your slip and fall settlement, but also how quickly your case settles, is your choice of who you select to represent you as your property liability attorney.
Unlike most other aspects of your case, this is one of the key settlement factors that is entirely, 100% within your control.
The insurance industry’s own data shows that cases that are handled by experienced personal injury attorneys who specialize in premises liability law and who have a proven track record of settlements and trial verdicts typically settle for considerably more money – and often much faster.
Injured in a slip and fall accident in Michigan? Call now!
If you are injured in a slip and fall accident in Michigan, call now (248) 254-8357 for a free consultation with one of our experienced premises liability lawyers. The stakes are high for you and your family if you’ve been seriously injured as a result of a slip and fall or trip and fall accident. We can help. Our attorneys are here to help you and your family fight to get the best possible legal settlement for you and your family. They will discuss your legal rights to pain and suffering compensation and to money damages to help you and your family pay your medical bills and make up for the wages you’ve lost because your injuries have disabled you from working.
Get help from our Michigan slip and fall lawyers today
You do not have to go it alone after your slip and fall accident. Let the experience attorney Tim Holland and the lawyers at Michigan Slip and fall have on slip and fall cases along with their track record of getting the highest settlement amounts possible for their victims give you peace of mind, while they help to pick you back up and get you the compensation that you need and deserve to start rebuilding your life.
We pride ourselves on treating every client with care, compassion, and respect. We pride ourselves on communication and we will always be there when you need us. We will ALWAYS return your calls and emails and answer your questions.
To speak with an experienced slip and fall accident attorney about your injury, call us now, or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.
We will help you understand Michigan’s slip and fall law and answer all of your questions about how we can make the law work for you. There is absolutely no cost or obligation. We’re here for you now.
Meet Our Attorney
Tim Holland is arguably Michigan’s most experienced and successful slip and fall lawyer. You can read more about Tim Holland’s experience and success here.
What Is Your Slip and Fall Case Worth?
What Is Your Slip and Fall Case Worth? (Footer)
Don’t let the insurance adjuster push you around. Request your free consultation today.
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